Andax Big Containment Pac For Oil & Oil-Based Fluids BCP-110-03
Stow it behind a truck seat or in a crowded cargo area. The Andax Big Containment Pac™ (BCP) is 110 gallons of spill containment in a 15" x 18" x 5" package. But how can so much containment fit in such a small package? The BCP contains an Inflatable Containment Tank™ – a self-inflating containment pool that can hold up to 100 gallons. Additionally, the Pac contains Sorb Sox to absorb up to 10 gallons, gloves and a disposal bag to help keep your crew safe when cleaning up spills.
For oil & oil-based fluids
Contains up to 110 gallons
Compact sized 15"H x 18"W x 5"D vacuum-sealed package
Reusable 60" diameter x 10" high self-inflating containment tank with self-supporting side walls
(1) Inflatable Containment Tank™ (ICT)
(3) 12 ft Sorb Sox
(20) 15" x 19" Pads (covers up to 40 sq. ft)
(1) Pair of Gloves
(1) Disposal Bag