
Rainbow Technology Utility Fire Ant & Insect Control - 4 oz Bag 3500

Controls Fire Ants, Cinch Bugs, Mole Crickets and Ticks when applied in and around Telecommunications, Power, Utilities and Railroad Systems Equipment.

Controls a wide range of insects including fire ants. Produces predictable results.
Very effective on insects in the soil. Ideal for fire ant control.
Has low water solubility. Lasts longer in soil.
Non-corrosive and non-conductive. May be used in a variety of locations.
Individual application packages or 4 lb. shaker can. No measuring needed, convenient storage.


Buried Cables
Telephone Pedestals
Cable Television Pedestals
Pad-Mounted Electric Power Transformers
Underground Vaults
Ground-Mounted Utility Cabinets and Utility Poles